Wednesday May 22, 2024

Queer in Cyber Episode 3: Hiring - Both Sides of the Equation

The episode revolves around getting jobs and hiring in the tech and cyber industry. The first theme discussed is how to write inclusive job descriptions that do not exclude minorities. The conversation highlights the importance of avoiding coded language and gendered job titles. The second theme is about the questions that hiring managers can ask to demonstrate their awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The conversation emphasizes the need for hiring managers to promote diversity and create an inclusive culture proactively. The third theme is self-awareness as a basic soft skill in hiring. The conversation explores the importance of self-awareness in both candidates and hiring managers and how it can contribute to a positive and inclusive work environment. In this conversation, we discuss the importance of self-awareness and negotiation skills in the workplace. We discuss interview questions that can assess a candidate's self-awareness and ability to work with others. We also touch on the role of managers in facilitating team dynamics and the challenges of promoting individual contributors to managerial positions. The conversation then shifts to the topic of networking and the advantages and responsibilities of being part of the queer cyber community. Finally, we emphasize the importance of building connections and helping others without expecting immediate returns.

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